Saturday, 20 June 2009

This weekend also

Has the dubious title of being a 'Potentially Great Weekend'.

As today is the second annual Beer, Sports, Ethics and Values Day, a day where some of the greatest sportsmen and competitors in the local area congregate to play a variety of sports and drink. The Ethics and Values underline our dedication to fair play and sportsmanship, and act as a handy alibi to accusations of grown men drinking illegally in a childrens park.

To demonstrate some of the great minds we'll be dealing with on BSEV day, here's a list of bread puns baked up (I thankyou), after Mr James Warburton scandalously decided not to attend this day of such grace and magnitude.

Philip Woodward wrote
at 19:50 on 07 June 2009

maybe he's scared of making a BLOOMER on the most important day of the year!
Lee Belcher (Bristol) wrote
at 13:38 on 06 June 2009
Well we cant stick him in goal... what with his butter fingers.
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 21:07 on 05 June 2009
hey james wateva uve got planned on the 20th mayb u cud come 2 this aswell and have the BEST OF BOTH worlds?!
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 20:52 on 05 June 2009
mayb hes going 2 the beach 2 play in the sand wich would b fun!
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 16:22 on 05 June 2009
And in fact id go as far as 2 say id eat him 4 breakfast if he did make an appearance!
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 16:20 on 05 June 2009
yeah ur rite bob he mite b abit crusty. If he does come then he'll be toast!
Bobby Mitchell wrote
at 15:39 on 05 June 2009
he could be busy going out for a wholemeal with his family!?
Bobby Mitchell wrote
at 15:36 on 05 June 2009
maybe his sport skills are a lil bit crusty? scared 2 step up to the plate!
Bobby Mitchell wrote
at 15:34 on 05 June 2009
personally i think he would enjoy gettin a SLICE of the action!
Bobby Mitchell wrote
at 15:32 on 05 June 2009
oi leave him alone you two! he might just have to see his naan or something! ;)
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 13:25 on 05 June 2009
well a flour mite b a bad idea, but we cud def butter him up sumhow
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 13:21 on 05 June 2009
mayb if we buy him a flour he mite come?
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 13:21 on 05 June 2009
this really is loaf out loud fun, come on ppl join in
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 12:45 on 05 June 2009
mind u if the weather stays like this then hes guna b baking out there
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 12:43 on 05 June 2009
come on james roll up roll up
Philip Woodward wrote
at 12:41 on 05 June 2009
if he is gonna come though, james baguette himself ready!
Philip Woodward wrote
at 12:39 on 05 June 2009
yeah, we should have given him a week at yeast
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 12:38 on 05 June 2009
i mean weve barley given him a chance 2 reconsider really!
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 12:36 on 05 June 2009
we best wheat a minute, u never know he might come after all.
Philip Woodward wrote
at 12:36 on 05 June 2009
seriously though, i hope james feels ciabatta soon.
Philip Woodward wrote
at 12:35 on 05 June 2009
james warburton - wanted bread or alive!!
Philip Woodward wrote
at 12:34 on 05 June 2009
bravo nathan. something's clearly gone 'a-rye' for james to miss out...
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 22:49 on 04 June 2009
just goes against the grain really not 2 come 2 such a fine event. He must be feeling abit stale about it all
Nathan Keegan (Uni. Reading) wrote
at 22:03 on 04 June 2009mayb he just kneads 2 rest his legs 4 a big footy match or something?

Philip Woodward wrote
at 17:47 on 04 June 2009
he might not have enough dough to go out?
Philip Woodward wrote
at 17:46 on 04 June 2009
or maybe he just wants to go to bread early on the evening of the 20th
Philip Woodward wrote
at 17:44 on 04 June 2009
and we must not have put enough yeast in him, cos warburton is not rising to the occasion
Philip Woodward wrote
at 17:44 on 04 June 2009
I LOAF to see james warburton abandoning this famous event


LeighGaskin said...

I was going to comment, however you all bread my mind and stole the good puns, so to be honest you can all go focaccia yourselves.

hlimbrick said...

HA HA just saw the BEST OF BOTH pun. think coffee came out my nose a bit..